Curses and black magic

Hi Family,

Today I want to talk about curses, how they work and ways to end them and put a stop on them.

So what are curses? Basically curses are negative crossed conditions where as you feel there is a cross/jinx/hex placed on a specific area of your life or worse on your birthstar as your entire life becomes cursed.

Some people are cursed with death curses so their health is always a problem in their life. Other people are cursed with hate or separation spells so their whole life love never stays with them, people don't stay long around them and no love in sight!!!! And then you have victims of money problems curses who money never comes to easily and ofcourse it never stays!!!!

As you can see curses can come in many forms and types and can effect the victim in many life areas or worse in all areas: health, wealth and family.

Curses can also be passed down by blood, people inherent generational curses by birth and alot of these people are not aware of such works but yet they will mention verbally what curses run in the family!!!!

The spirits of these curses never leave the DNA of the victim, it travels in bloodline from one victim to the next to the whole entire family. Curses are black magic which ones it sticks in its victim it never wants to go.

From my past work experience I have noticed that curses are usually requested out of anger and jealously and especially within the family too. Most of the times when you are a victim of a curse, it usually was an attack from a person close to you who either is a family member or lover/xlover or even co-worker... It's always someone that knows you attacks you psychically with curses and evil spirits!

If you feel or think you are cursed then you are card to immediately break it and clean yourself from its evil spirits.

Why do I say you need immediate spell to break the curse. Simply because curses can and will destroy your life, it will take the life out of everything you have. Curses can work for years and decades without your awareness detection, therefore it is important to act fast to reclaim your life and will power back.

Just keep in mind most of the time the curses are so old when a victim is fully ready to break free. It takes a whole lot to break a curse mostly because it works under a very low level of energies that the victim will not notice the curse nor believe it's existence at first.

Until everything or almost everything in their life goes wrong that the victim wakes looking for help to get their life back to normal and back to God's blessings.

There is always another way to find out if you are a victim of a curse or not, by getting a psychic reading done and look into it, see if there is there is a curse on your spirit or not.

And even with a reading the answer can be tricky if the enemy knows what they are doing and knows how to hide it well. For example I did my clients spells from others in the spiritual realm so when psychics try to see they are blinded by my Spirits.

So if your enemy knows what they are doing then the curse may be hidden very well. A final sure way of knowing is just asking yourself. Every victim of a curse their spirit or higher self or soul knows already what is going on. That means in some level of their mind they know if they are a victim of a curse or not. So talking to one own self does the trick, if you have a small feeling chance that you may be a victim of a curse they hey that is your spirit nudging you to action.

Magick is real and so are spells/witchcraft/spirits and graveyards. People practice witchcraft and have relationships with witchdoctors from all walks of life. Especially in this Morden time and age, with the internet opening doors to more of such connections.

Therefore it's important to be aware of what is really going on in your life behind the veil of reality. Do not let what you see with your eyes be all you think there is to your life. Evil spirits can bring illness diseases and destructions in your life. So be aware of such energies and take action when needed.

In my part two post I will cover ways and methods of overcoming curses and evil witchcraft.

For paychic readings and spiritual cleansing from black magic email me at