Are you cursed?


Are you cursed ??

What is a curse?

A curse has always been known as black magick or evil energies condition that turns your life around from good to bad to worse and finally just closes all good energies flow into your life. It is sad today a lot of people walk around not knowing their life is cursed.

All my years of experience I found out that it is so hard to notice you are being cursed or your whole reality is under evil curse, curses do exist and I read people online murmur its hard for someone to be under a curse, big fool who think that. To curse is an easy act, anyone can curse even without magick and only with meditation and a strong will.

Curses however it takes A LONG TIME (More than even 4 or 5 years) for a victim to open their eyes and REALIZE they are cursed. And when they do they are in deep waters, heavy work must be done and redone till the victim spirit is clean and pure state just like God intended it to be.

Now here is the tricky part, once the victim realize or wakes up to this realization and this first takes place in astral/spiritual realm level then this realization will manifest in your reality realm. After the realization, the victim becomes more trapped by the evil spirits/jinns that the witch has put upon the victim.

The spirits now know that the victim somehow has a knowing feeling of this curse placed upon him or her, so to seek a treatment is not the problem for many sick victims. The problem arise from the minute the victim decided to hire anyone for the curse lifting, the minute the victim puts through their own will the decision of hiring someone to take this curse off is the minute the spirits/jinns assigned to carry this curse is going to protest.

This protesting can appear in many form to delay the treatment, but it always appears on the victim and not the caster (The caster is protected and cleansed). The victim here might get lazy to go through the free will they tried to get a spiritual treatment and cleansing.

If this curse was to affect the victim to do drugs, then these spirits will ask for more drugs to control the victim free will..etc so the victim becomes more and more weaker and loses money or spends all the money…etc this is a spiritual battle you must remember this a lot of things will happen to avoid you from getting proper treatment but if you are a victim of any curse trust me you will know you are cursed.

How to know you are cursed?

Simple signs helps a lot, I have made a quiz below, beside this quiz if you are not happy with your life plus you know you could have a better life than this reality where:

  •  You always get stuck in situations
  • Your career life is worse than it was before a year or two
  • Nothing works out for you
  • Always lose money easily or spend easily *Easy come easy go* Money can't seem to stay with you
  • You are tired physically without knowing why
  • You consume drugs/alcohols in a way that is not your spirit way or normal way
  • You are easily angered
  • You have an explained disease
  • Your love life is at a miss
  • Your marriage is falling apart
  • You are very negative or full of negative thoughts
  • Depression
  • You smell bad smells at strange time with no explanation on the source of the smell
  • You always blame others on your problems and your decisions
  • You find it hard to take responsibility
  • You find it easy to hate than to love
  • Fights are on constant flow in your life
  • You look dull
  • Rapid Weight loss/weight gain
  • You believe or feel everyone wants bad things for you or has evil intention for you
  • You never keep your word, your words become powerless because you are cursed so no any remaining free will stays with you.
  • You always trip and fall
  • Friends start to avoid you
  • People don't seem to like you even strangers
  • Good things don't happen to you often
  • You see snakes in dreams a lot especially black snakes
  • You have bad luck or worse no luck at all
  • You have a deep knowing feeling that you are cursed and some rare cases you have a knowing feeling of who cursed you

These are little signs that will show a deeper reason of these signs usually it is a curse, the quiz below is just a small test if you answer correctly then I advice you to go to some professional for a quick reading or an appropriate treatment.

Word of advise:

If you know you are cursed please UNDERSTAND that this is a spiritual battle it is a war between you and the evil spirits and jinns so far they have won because they invaded your spirit and your space, they took control of your guardian angel tiying him/her up to do their will so your free will has no power therefore after such a battle result your life moves and goes no where. Years come and you have no say in your own life, you can't even make a smart decisions as ever decision made while you are cursed is another curse itself so please understand YES magick is real curse are real we are all born to have a beautiful life and if you are not having a good life all doors seem closed and your stuck in bad situations then you are cursed and a curse is a BATTLE in the spiritual world for the spirits to hold your spirit down and keep it down.

I mean it take control of your life, if there is any magick you should do at least twice a year is cleansing. Do it for yourself and for your guardian angel. Go for battle again this time remind yourself you are cursed but you are getting out of it with or without anyone help, be very firm in your head and stick with your decision no matter what. Curses take years and years to kill your spirit completely. Cleansing will clear all the hurt and damage that been done on your soul it will also empower you and give you the birth right that every god guaranteed all of us a good life on this earth.

Are you cursed or hexed or under evil negative spirits and conditions?

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