Cleansing chant

My family,

As my daily free gifts to you continues flowing through this blog, I hope you receive all of my heart gifts with love and most importantly I hope to touch your life in a positive way, to teach you ways to create manifest and play with energies with ease and safely too.

Magick is your birthright, everyone has the power inside them and within them too. It is up to the individual and the seeker to harness and activate such powers.

Today I want to share with you a cleansing chant that helps to clear your surrounding from negativite energies and lower vibrations. 

🔒Tip: you can also use this chant when smudging a person or a place.🔒

Remember I am also avaliable for one on one email/phone magical coaching and assistance any time you can reach me via to book a session with me today.

With Gratitude, 

Momma S ❤😘