A coffee break with Momma

What I'm reading today *MommaS snap*

Hi my lovely world,

 I am very blessed to finish this season spells and projects faster and easily now with the help of all my new african trip jinns. Wallah I am so very thankfuk & happy. (In case you missed the last update, I just came back from East Africa trip where I also mystically was gifted and handed down many jinns from my elders! Talk about being blessed.)

 After my mystical journey on my last trip to Africa, my life has thrived and changed a lot too. It's like life has a different meaning and taste with it. There is something different working with many numbers of jinn at once. And I am sure I will share more with you soon.
Remember it's the holiday season already here. I want to personally thank you for the wonderful gift of being here and being alive and sharing your spirit with others.

Like I know we are going through a very rough time for Mother Gaia earth but I promise you that your soul wouldn't have choicen a better time to experience life on earth than this perfect time.

There is perfection everywhere in this universe and its all energetic connected and changeable. So whatever it is that you are going through now in life, do not give up the fight. You deserve a good life and you deserve to be happy. Do not let others control you, get them out of your head and keep your mind strong my family. This is the time for us all to remember our ancient powers and recall our birth right. Magick is real and so are energies. Everything can be changed by the change of focus. And spirits are also real they help humans with so much pleasures.

If you ever need assistance or spiritual help and guidance, remember I am aclick away 😉🙏❤👍

Stay blessed,

Momma S